
Keeping Your Cats Safe During the Holidays

The holiday season is a magical time filled with joy, decorations, and celebrations. However, the hustle and bustle can bring hidden hazards for our feline companions. Cats are naturally curious, which makes holiday decorations, visiting guests, and festive foods a source of temptation—and potential trouble. Here are some tips to keep your cat safe and […]

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The Benefits of Adopting a Senior Cat: Why Older Cats Make Great Pets

Adopting a cat is a deeply fulfilling experience, but have you ever considered opening your home to a senior cat? Older cats, often overlooked in shelters, bring unique qualities and benefits that can make them excellent companions.   Why Adopt a Senior Cat?  Senior cats, typically defined as those aged 7 years and older, come with […]

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Why is Dental Health Important for Cats: An Owners Guide

Cats are not just pets, they are beloved members of our families. As a cat owner, you’re probably already diligent in ensuring that your feline friends receive proper nutrition, regular veterinary check-ups, and affectionate care. However, one aspect of their well-being that often goes overlooked is their oral health. Maintaining good dental hygiene in cats […]

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Do I Really Need to Groom My Cat?

Cats are notorious for their impeccable grooming habits. We often see our feline friends meticulously licking their fur to stay clean and presentable. With that being said, your cat may require some additional help when it comes to grooming. Grooming your cat is not just about vanity; it’s a crucial aspect of their overall well-being. […]

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Adopting a Cat with FIV

At MEOW Foundation, one of our core beliefs is that every cat deserves a chance at a loving home. This includes cats with health problems, including FIV (feline immunodeficiency virus).  Some potential adopters may have concerns or reservations about adopting a cat that is FIV-positive. Today, we will debunk some common FIV myths and shed […]

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Should I Hire a Cat Sitter?

With summer right around the corner, there is a good chance that you’re already planning a summer getaway. If those plans don’t include bringing along your feline friend, you may be thinking about hiring a cat sitter.  Why You Should Hire a Cat Sitter? While it may be tempting to ask a neighbour or family […]

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Helping Cats Using “Capacity for Care”

MEOW Foundation is committed to Capacity for Care, a set of guidelines to improve the experience and quality of life for cats in our care.

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Improving the Lives of Feral Cats with TNR

Rescue and adoption is only one dimension to helping homeless cats. Our Trap Neuter Return program helps feral cats achieve a high quality of life in their community homes and reduces pet overpopulation.

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Caring For Your Cat’s Mental Health

Cats can be affected by mental health challenges like depression and anxiety. Learn how to identify these conditions in your cat, how to help them and how MEOW Foundation looks after the mental health of cats in our care while they wait for adoptive homes.

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